Chick Feeder
- Simple equipment which provides clean fresh feed for day old chicks.
- Can be used in deep litter or inside brooding cages.
- 228 mm diameter pan having 2 kg feed holding capacity.
- 20 feeders recommended per 1000 chicks.
- Available with back stand and grill.
Chick Feeder Tray
- Idea feeder for chicks for first week.
- Enhances natural feed picking habit for uniform growth..
- 400 mm diameter bubble type polypropylene washable tray.
- Sufficient for 50 chicks in brooding area.
Chick/Grower Feeder 4Kg
- Polypripylene pan with 4 kg, Feed holding cone
- Simple equipment which can be hung from top by rope and height adjustor.
- Can also be used on ground.
- Optional accessories available
- Available with additional feed hopper on request.
Broiler Feeder
- 350 mm Diameter polypropylene pan with proven design for easy feed flow.
- 8 kg feed holding capacity with hopper.
- Ideally suited for commercial broilers for a better F.C.R.
- Optional accessories available
- Such as : Grill with 16 slots
Feed saving ring
Hopper - Chick feeder pan up to second week.
Jumbo Feeder
This is a product developed exclusively for cage brooding of layer chicks and Japanese Quails.
- 410 mm Diameter heavy duty Apple type polypropylene pan with preset gap setting for easy assembly & for smooth feed flow.
- Once fill a day concept / holding 12 kg of feed with hopper.
- Optional accessories available.
- Such as:
Grill with 20 slots.
Feed saving ring.
Hopper - 20 Feeders per 1000 commercial broilers.
Female Feeder
( for parent breeding farms )
- Large 420 mm dia with easy to fix soft polypropylene moulded grill.
- 43 mm slots as per specification for adult female birds in parent farms for restricted feeding.
- 17 slots which can accommodate average 13 female birds.
- Model available with rope, height adjustor and crown cap. Can be easily adopted to winching system for gang lifting.
Grower/Male Feeder
- Large 420 mm diameter heavy pan with easy to fix soft moulded grill.
- 10 Slot Grill for easy access for male birds
- Available with happen and antiswing ballast pan.
Mini Feeder
- Ideal for use inside cases and general purpose during brooding.
- Aesthetic design
- Easy to clean
- Capacity :350mgs.